During the last couple of years, off-page and on-page search engine optimization has changed a lot; Google is working hard to give better rank to those websites which have used genuine means and working organically to enhance the website traffic. First with Panda and then Penguin, Google kept on changing the search engine algorithms. The penguin updates came like a shock for the website owners relying too much on paid back links.
With the penguin update Google made it clear that websites who are not using organic means will be penalized. Penguin emphasized on off-page strategies, if the links which are placed on a thin content website and are directing towards your website, you will be degraded.
Penguin checks even the boring content, sometimes while writing business brochures and business deals, it is really difficult to write it in an interesting way. So don’t increase the pages and try to conclude your business brochures in as less pages as possible.
The system of present ranking lies on getting the in-built links from the genuine and great content holding websites. So if you want to survive this panda effect, find your low value back links and remove them. Nowadays webmasters are trying every technique to ditch the search engine valuation algorithm. To achieve this they use some black listed techniques, in return they lose their ranking.
Some SEO mentors can be seen advising on penguin SEO tips, not to post too much articles on web directories as their links don’t matter in the search engine optimization. Well they are not true as a matter of fact these article directories still do have their importance. But the point is that you post in the relevant niche and the published content must be of good quality. A well written article will increase the ranking of the author. A number of article directories have been penalized by Google for example Ezine but after Google decreased the rank of Ezine, this website became strict on the content. So when you are writing an article, don’t incorporate too many keywords. Using too many keywords is considered as black hat tactics and it is black listed by Google.
Webmasters who are not following the penguin updates will suffer. Google wishes to provide you the genuine websites in the search results on the basis of organic means used for ranking. Penguin update ensures that good quality websites will not face competition with low quality websites. So the owners who are striving hard to produce a good quality website shall be pleased with this update.
Neither it is easy nor the matter is fully available to understand how the system of author ranking works? The algorithm is secret and to know more about penguin SEO tips small business SEO from the Google itself, you can refer to Google webmasters tools.